
HT and LV Electrical Distribution Services

Design of electrical distribution system to cater for domestic, commercial and industrial usages.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for HT and LV include:

  • HT/ LV electrical distribution.
  • Switchgear design.
  • Transformer design.
  • Detail load calculation.
  • Single Line Diagram (SLD).
  • Voltage drop calculations.
  • Cable sizing.
  • Authority’s Compliance, Application and Approval.
  • TNB meter application and upgrading to 11 kV or 33 kV.

Lightning Protection and Earthing System

Design of system to intercept and then to safely discharge lightning current.

Solutions We Provide

Electron Engineering Solutions is an MEP consulting.
The services we provide
  • Lightning protection and earthing system design
  • Authority compliant design

Telecommunication System

Design of systems and infrastructure for both wired and wireless telecommunication systems.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for Telecommunication systems include:
  • External Telephone Services.
  • Internal Telephone Services.
  • Fibre To The Home (FTTH).
  • Intercom System.
  • Data System.

Security System, Intruder Alarm, CCTV and Access System

Design of security system in homes, offices, factories, healthcare facilities, etc. to prevent unwanted access of unauthorised individuals.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for Security System, Intruder Alarm, CCTV and Access System include:
  • CCTV System
  • AI CCTV System
  • Door Card Access System
  • Panic Button System
  • Lift Card Access System
  • Car Park Barrier System
  • Video Intercom System
  • Visitor Management System
  • Door Sensor System
  • Home Alarm System
  • Wireless Guard Tour System

Lighting and Switch Socket Outlet (SSO) Design

Design of lighting systems to ensure adequate illumination for different tasks. SSO design for electrical appliances.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for Lighting and Switch Socket Outlet (SSO) Design include:
  • Lighting and Switch Socket Outlet layout design
  • Schematic diagram for Lighting and Switch Socket Outlet

Public Address System

Design of public address system consisting of microphones, speakers and amplifiers.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for Public Address Systems include:
  • PA System layout design based on Authority requirements and Client’s specification
  • PA System schematic diagram

Surge Protection System

A specially designed system to limit the voltage supplied to electrical devices to a safe threshold.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for Surge Protection System include:
  • Surge Protection System design
  • Risk Assessment

Audio Visual System

Design of AV systems for audio presentation, video presentation and live steaming in auditoriums, multipurpose halls and conference rooms.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for AV systems include:
  • Proposing AV equipment
  • AV system design
  • Schematic diagram for AV system

Intercom System

Design of intercom system to connect different areas of a building and even different buildings together. The design of intercom systems and guardhouses to obtain verification of guests entering the premise.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for intercom systems include:
  • Proposing Intercom equipment
  • Intercom system design
  • Schematic diagram for Intercom system

Building Management System (BMS)

Design of a computer based system which tracks and controls HVAC systems, power systems, lighting, security systems, etc.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions for BMS include:
  • BMS design layout
  • Schematic diagram

Satellite Master Antenna Television (SMATV) System

The design of SMATV systems to distribute TV and FM signals without a loss in signal quality.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions include:
  • Design of SMATV systems in buildings
  • Design of schematic diagram for SMATV systems

Renewable Energy / Sustainability Services

Renewable energy is from an energy resource that is replaced rapidly by a natural process such as power generated from the sun or from the wind.Renewable energy is any energy source that is naturally replenished, like that derived from solar, wind, geothermal or hydroelectric action. Energy produced fromthe refining of biomass is also often classified as renewable. Coal, oil or natural gas, on the other hand, is finite sources. Renewable energy may be defined as energy from naturally available sources that is constantly replenished and can be harnessed for human benefit. Although the concept of renewable energy is simple, the technology used to extract and deliver the energy is rapidly developing and becoming more advanced.Renewable energy is derived from solar radiation, directly or indirectly. The amount of solar energy directed at the earth yearly is equivalent to more than 15,000 times the world’s annual use of fossil and nuclear fuels and 160 times the energy stored in the world‘s proven fossil fuel reserve. The use of renewable energy and the systems associated with it are generally referred to as ‘renewables’.

Our MEP Consultant Solutions

As MEP consultants, our solutions include:
  • Solar Energy/ Passive Solar Energy
  • Renewable Technologies
  • Energy Efficiencies Studies
  • Geo Thermal Systems
  • Solar Cooling & Heating Systems